3 Tips to Improve Conversion Rate & Sales Of Your Website

By SEO Tips

3 Tips to Improve Conversion Rate & Sales Of Your Website

The overall expectations of the visitors are to have an excellent user experience when visiting your site. It is not only about the design element to define the experience, but it is also a wide compilation of too many little interactions interconnected, producing the positive or negative review about the website. A connection except a direct result of UX design that impacts the brand identity, business bottom line and consumer retention.

According to the research, there is over 46 per cent of consumers who view your website design as an indicator of credibility. The quality of a website can secure to captivate new consumers to later turn them into returning customers. But, here are the three simple design tips to improve user experience and increase revenue with the ultimate growth of the business.

Incorporate Consistent Branding

The consistent branding enables to increase the revenue up to 23 per cent. Additionally, it can help in cohesive visual identity to every platform and device of your website. This cohesive visual identity can easily be reproduced. The top website design implements the recognizable color palette, subtle branding on each page of website, consistent typography and imagery to provide value and information to the users. Thus, the consistent branding develops a stable environment to empower the visitors to find products and information they are searching for.

Users should be quick to search, easy to access the cart & personal account and speedily find the ways to get back the home page. The simple, consumer-centric and clean design of a website makes the users explore more.

Clear Call To Action (CTA)

Make sure to follow the below tips for creating an effective CTA.

  • Don't depend only on the text written to contact visitors, make a big button fully click-able.
  • The text of the CTA should be simple, easy to understand and compelling.
  • Don't complex the font and font size, it should be readable and accurate size.
  • Make sure, the call to action should stand out, stay within the colour palette and should be uniquely shaped.
  • You can include the complementary design elements like arrows, but make sure it should not overlap the product content.

Develop For Consumers, Not For Designers

Remember, a website is not for the designer, it is for the consumers. This is why, before using any feature or implementing any idea, a designer should keep the user experience and customer behaviour in the mind. When you make a research as a customer, you will understand what the people are expecting from you and how you can complete their needs. Even, if you are providing a beautifully designed website with less useful information, you can't make your brand to interact with the viewers. Once your UX design improvement is done successfully, spend some time to ensure that the features are functional and making better conversions.

Follow these tips or if you are looking for the assistance of professionals to create a successful business website then contact White Shark Media. Our team of professionals is highly educated and talented to provide the most satisfying result to our client.